Web Design Services

Affiliate Management

The relationship between advertiser, publisher and customer lies at the bottom of affiliate marketing.

Le marketing par le biais de l'affiliation est un moyen de vendre, d'obtenir du trafic sur son site ou d'acquérir des demandes de mise en relation. Ce système met en relation un annonceur qui propose de mettre en place un programme d’affiliation à un affilié qui est l'entreprise présente sur le web. Ce programme à pour but de promouvoir les produits et/ou services de l'affilié. L'annonceur est rémunéré de différentes façons : commissions sur achats, aux formulaires remplis ou par clic.

Le marketing affiliation emploie plusieurs techniques pour développer des campagnes d'affiliation sur internet. La mise en avant de produits ou de services s'effectue par le biais de sites, de blogs à thématique ciblée selon l'activité, de campagnes d'emailing, par les réseaux sociaux comme Facebook et les forums de discussion mais aussi par la vidéo.

Le marketing par affiliation passe par la réalisation de bannières publicitaires qui s'intègrent au sein d'un article sur de nombreux supports tels que des blogs, des magazines thématiques, des sites. La newsletter est un moyen d'affiliation lucratif sur le long terme, elle crée auprès des clients et prospects un climat de confiance pour arriver à l'objectif final : vendre !

In addition, successful Affiliate Marketing also involves certain business traits such as the ability to be flexible with commission values, especially during times when there is a slump in sales, because a higher commission will make affiliates work harder for you.


Affiliate Marketing Campaigns


Affiliate monitoring


Recruiting new affiliates


Selection of affiliate networks


Affiliate Rewards Program Management


Banner creation

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Our affiliate management team can establish a clear understanding of your brand, proposition and products to help you outperform your competitors. We possess the technical and strategic experience necessary to allow us to connect you with multiple networks, verticals and publishers most suitable for you while delivering optimal placement and generating volumes of genuine sales.

It is also important to maintain a trusting relationship with your affiliate sites by making sure you are paying commission within the agreed-upon deadline. We believe that the key to a successful campaign is maintaining a strong relationship with your affiliates in order to help build their trust in your brand. That is the reason why our professionally trained experts use innovative strategies and relationships with other top affiliates to increase your sales and leads within a performance-based model.

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Let us help you get your business online and grow it with passion

We can manage all aspects of an affiliate campaign for your business and know how to get affiliates motivated to sell your product. We know which affiliate networks are the best for your industry and we know how to build relationships that will lead to increased coverage of your product on these affiliate sites.